Website design Sondrio and surroundingsTitle

Studio Tecnico Ing. Micheletti, based in Sondrio and active in technology planning, renewable energy and energy efficiency, has extensive experience in the field. The owner, thanks to his expertise acquired over the years, offers support to Clients in all phases of the process, from the initial planning to the concretization of the project.

The implementation of Studio Micheletti's new website was entrusted to Dijiti, a software house also based in Sondrio. The design of the site was carefully developed according to the client's needs, presenting a professional and minimalist look. The structure of the site was designed with the goal of ensuring an intuitive user experience, and a custom CMS was implemented to enable autonomous content management.
The offering also includes thorough SEO optimization and responsive technology, thus ensuring a state-of-the-art website that is easily accessible from different devices.

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